We raised £263.55!
Thank you to everyone who donated and joined us for a cuppa!
Breast Cancer Now 20.10.2023
Help us raise funds for Breast Cancer Now
We will be wearing pink on Friday 20th October 2023 There will be badges and cupcakes available at reception for a donation Information will be on display regarding breast care. Come join us!

Exciting Changes Ahead
If you have ventured in to the practice lately you may have noticed some exciting changes, we are slowly but surely modernising the look of the practice and the “Green Area” is the first to have clear signage and dedicated notice boards for specific topics installed.
There is a new letterhead with our practice logo shown pride of place, and the future will bring both Blue and Purple Areas with clear signage making it easier to negotiate your way around our rabbit warren of a practice! We will also be having a dedicated Community Wall, watch out for more information on this in the future.
We are excited about the changes happening within Sorrel Bank Medical Practice and hope you like them too!