Non-urgent advice: Salford Family Hub
What are Salford Family Hubs?
Salford Family Hubs are places in the local community where different organisations, including the community and voluntary sector, work together, to offer a one stop shop for families with children aged 0-19 and up to 25 for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The four Family Hubs are spread across the city with some services being delivered from various satellite buildings and community venues. Services include support for during pregnancy and after birth, child health, targeted early help, relationships, parenting, SEND provision, perinatal parent infant mental health services (PPIMHS) and youth service provision.
The Family Hubs offer a warm and welcoming space where families can access information and support and have a say on what could be delivered.
What's on at your Family Hub?
We have a wide range of services, groups and activities for children, young people and families that are run from a number of venues across the city. Details of these can be found on My Best Life: Salford Events | My Best Life